Monday, May 16, 2011

Promote Your Business

How can you promote your business?

1. Write press releases. If you do not know how to write a professional press release let an expert write it. You can find many companies online that will do this job for you so that you can focus on what you do best--- talking and selling your products and/or services.

2. Host video shows. You can easily host your own video shows with video channel software. You can promote your products and/or services, help your viewers get to know you and feel like they are your friend so they trust you and gain new clients. Plus, when you host video shows your customers and potential customers will have a more interesting way of learning about your product instead of the same old, same old way of marketing and advertising.

3. Create video e-mails. This is simple to do when you have the right tools. Easily create a video of the week (or however often you would like to) and send the video to everyone on your e-mail list.

4. Use your own video channel to brand your products/services. Logos, banners and the colors you choose to use to brand your online business is readily available for you to use.

5. Use social networking. This means join Facebook and Twitter if you haven’t already. Share information about your products/services. Add friends from your area or all over the world depending on the product/service you offer. Target the correct people that would be interested in what you are promoting.

For more information on how to promote your business, please visit

*First photo credit: renjith krishnan's portfolio is:

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